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Earnings in the private sector of Serbia increased by 42.9 percent, and in the public sector by 28.4 percent

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The National Bank of Serbia announced today due to the discussion on the level of salaries in the private and public sector and stated that in the period January-September 2020, according to the Republic Bureau of Statistics, the average net salary in the private sector was 500 euros and 550 euros in the public sector.
As stated in the statement entitled “Who cares about the truth”, from 2018, the Institute applies a new methodology and in a publicly available database clearly and precisely indicates that the data before 2018 are not directly comparable due to the existence of “interruptions in the time series”.
The central bank points out that analysts and economists dealing with the issue should be aware that “calculating growth rates based on non-comparable data could lead to erroneous conclusions.” It is pointed out that in order to compare the data before and after the change of methodology, it would be necessary to change the statistical technique and that the calculated data show that in 2014 the average salaries in the private sector were 360 euros, and in the public 450 euros.
The statement points out that this shows that the average salary in the private sector increased by 42.9 percent, and in the public sector by 28.4 percent, Danas reports.

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