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Energo Zelena builds animal waste management factory in Inđija – project worth 22m EUR

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Energo Zelena, the company that deals with ecological management of animal waste, and the municipality of Inđija with the Directorate for Construction have signed the contract worth 22m EUR.

According to Paul Descender, the President of the Administrative Board of Electrawinds, who is also the owner of Serbian company Energo Zelena, says that the beginning of the project will be jointly implemented by Belgian and Serbian companies.

The works will be commenced in September 2010 and I hope that the unit will be put in operation one year later. The investment is worth 22m EUR and we expect that, once the full capacity of production is reached, about 100 people will be employed – Descender said after the contract was signed.

This is the first investment by the Belgian company in Serbia, which is the biggest private company that deals with renewable energy sources in Belgium. The factory should be built will be situated in the northeast work zone, next to the highway. The contract defines the location and size of the land (2.5 ha).

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The municipality of Inđija has taken over the obligation to organize the land within next 90 days, which should then be bought by this company, after which the construction works can commence – said Uroš Ćuruvija, the Director of the Directorate for Construction.

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Serbia Energy News
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