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Energy Community TSOs establish a Coordinated Auction Office Project Team Company

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At their yesterday’s meeting, the electricity transmission operators of the Energy Community reached a crucial milestone for the establishment of a Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO). The network operators of Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia and Kosovo* agreed on initiating the final steps for establishing a Project Team Company that will be responsible for developing the legal, technical and financial aspects for the start up of the SEE CAO within a year.

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“We are very proud to see that the efforts we dedicated to the project will now materialize”, Aleksandar Mijuskovic, Chairman of the Project Team Company Steering Committee expressed his appreciation for the progress made. “The financial contributions International Financing Institutions are committed to provide to the project are a key element, we are very grateful for this support”, the Chairman underlined. He also stressed the financial contributions and efforts the individual TSOs dedicated to the progress of the Project Team Company establishment.

“The progress the network operators jointly achieved is a proof for their ownership and commitment”, Slavtcho Neykov, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, underlined his appreciation for the agreements achieved. He added “exactly this team spirit is a key driver for successfully establishing a regional market”.

The Project Team Company is expected to be established still before summer this year by the nine network operators in Podgorica, Montenegro. The company will be financed by contributions from its nine network operator shareholders and International Financing Institutions. By establishing a regionally coordinated capacity allocation and congestion management mechanism, the establishment of SEE CAO will close an important lack of compliance with the Energy Community acquis.

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