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Foreign direct investments this year in Serbia are 30 percent higher than last season

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Foreign companies and investors have invested slightly more than two billion euros in Serbia during the first seven months. Thus, the direct foreign investments this year are about 30 percent higher than in the same period last year
For the Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali, that is an important indicator that speaks about the success of the economy.
– We have set up a strong base, and industry, services, tourism are increasing – Mali pointed out. – It’s no accident. Foreign direct investments are coming, we are investing in infrastructure, because when you build a highway, it is logical to create an economic zone as well. When the economic zone is created, someone comes who is interested and invests money, because he sees that Serbia is stable. Even in times of the greatest crisis, we paid all obligations per day, and we also organized three aid packages. We have set aside eight billion euros to support both citizens and businessmen, thus preserving jobs and production capacities.
When it comes to capital investments, the Moravian Corridor is under construction. The highway Preljina – Pozega, Kuzmin – Sremska Raca, Fruskogorski corridor, Ruma – Sabac – Loznica and the fast road from Surcin to New Belgrade are being built.
– The fast road Belgrade – Zrenjanin – Novi Sad is being prepared, as well as the Danube corridor from Pozarevac to Golubac and Nis – Plocnik – Merdare – said Mali. – That is nine roads, five of which are already being built at the time of the greatest economic crisis. In the first seven months of this year, we planned a deficit of 1.6 billion euros, and we achieved a better result of 1.3 billion euros.
The full minimum wage in the field of catering and tourism will follow on August 16, while 50 euros will be paid to pensioners in September. In November, 30 euros will follow, and in December, another 20 euros will help all adult citizens. In total, that means that all adult citizens will receive 80 euros, and considering that pensioners will receive an additional 50 euros in September, that makes a total of 130 euros for the oldest this year, Novosti reports.

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