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Germany remains Serbia’s top partner in trade

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Germany remained Serbia’s top partner in export during the first two months of 2012, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) office in Germany has stated.

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Serbia’s export to Germany was worth USD 192 million during that time and continued the growth of Serbian export, despite the severe winter that affected the output of the industry, the office pointed out.

The provisional data for March indicates that trade with Germany has gained momentum again, with an increase in the share of goods that have undergone higher levels of processing, says the statement.

Giving Serbia the status of a candidate for EU membership has pushed forward the cooperation between the two countries, German magazine Ost-West Contact has reported.

The PKS office in Frankfurt and the economic department of the Serbian embassy in Berlin have received an increased number of inquiries by German companies regarding merchandise delivery, services and possible investments in Serbia, the PKS office noted.

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