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Germany’s Tenis interested in launching production in Serbia

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Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic visited on Saturday the production facilities of the largest European meat company, Tenis from Germany, whose officials said they were interested in launching production in Serbia

It would increase the company’s production, number of livestock in Serbia and push the entire Serbian agriculture forward, owner of the company Clemence Tenis said, according to a statement from the Serbian government office for media relations.

We need to develop a family farm structure and introduce new technologies and we have government support for that, he said.

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Tenis is welcome in Serbia and will be supported locally and by the central government, Vucic stated.

A large part of the deal has been agreed already, and everything that has been lost in livestock in the past 10-15 years can be regained in two years, Vucic noted reports Tanjug.

Source Balkans

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Serbia Energy News