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IMF mission, Serbian delegation start official discussions

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Official discussions between representatives of Serbia and an IMF mission started with a plenary meeting at the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) early Monday.

The IMF mission is visiting Serbia from April 29 untiil May 12, the central bank announced.

During the visit of the IMF Mission, headed by Zuzana Murgasova, the quarterly results in the implementation of the precautionary agreement approved to Serbia on February 23, 2015, will be assessed.

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The upcoming discussions will assess current macroeconomic trends in the country, prospects of economic growth as well as implementation of the agreed monetary policy measures, the fiscal policy in the context of fiscal consolidation and structural reform measures. Also reviewed will be the fulfillment of obligations for the first quarter under a coordinated economic program, the NBS statement said.

Serbia’s previous arrangement with the IMF, reached in late September 2011, was frozen in February 2012 prior to elections as the 2012 budget had deviated from an agreed fiscal program.

Source; B92

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