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“Infrastructure, innovation and trade crucial”

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Infrastructure, innovation and trade are “crucial points the government is focusing on today to enable the country to be successful in those areas tomorrow.”

Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic said this during the third summit of Western Balkan and EU leaders in Paris on Monday.

In a statement to Tanjug on the fringes of the meeting, Vujovic said that a panel of economy and finance ministers addressed possibilities for investments and improving the business climate in the region, economic difficulties in Western Balkan countries and ways to find the most efficient solution through joint efforts.

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“We have improved the business climate and achieved much in encouraging investments. To maintain these results over the longer term we need to plan projects well at regional level and get down to implementing them as soon as possible,” Vujovic said.

Conferences like these are also significant because they bring together prime ministers and foreign ministers, as well as finance ministers and ministers of economy – the three basic levels where investments and regional cooperation are agreed, Vujovic said.

Source; B92

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