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Investments and assistance to Serbian communities continue

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The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, stated today that the state of Serbia will continue with investments in Kosovo and Metohija.
During his visit to Zubin Potok, he reminded that Serbia had invested more than half million euros in the House of Culture in Zubin Potok and announced that in the coming period it would continue to pay attention to culture in that place and in all Serbian communities, reports the Kosovo online portal.
“We will continue with financing and investments, and the figure I mentioned only for this facility tells you enough about how much we are aware of the importance of such facilities and spaces in Kosovo and Metohija, and we will certainly continue in that direction in the future,” Petkovic said.
In Zubin Potok, Petkovic talked with the president of the Provisional Authority, Srdjan Vulovic, as well as with the director of the House of Culture “Stari Kolasin”, Andrijana Zivanovic.
As a sign of gratitude for everything that the Office for Kosovo and Metohija does for the House of Culture in Zubin Potok, director Petar Pekovic was presented with an artistic painting by Nikola Bradic.
As it is stated, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija says that since 2014, 126.7 million euros have been invested in the construction of facilities in Kosovo for a total of 654 housing units within 30 residential buildings, of which 2.06 million euros have been invested in Zubin Potok for a total of 61 housing unit, RTV reports.

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