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Kalanovic: Podrinje supports organic production

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Serbian Minister of Regional Development and Local Self-Government Verica Kalanovic announced at the seminar on organic food production in Bajina Basta that the Podrinje programme will provide assistance through various projects to producers of agricultural products and organic food producers in the region.

Addressing organic food producers at the presentation of the joint programme Podrinje funded by the governments of Serbia and Republika Srpska, Kalanovic noted that the world’s demand for organic products is rising by around ten percent annually.
“This is a chance for the region and we need to recognize it and make use of it,” the minister underscored.

According to the plans, the six best production plans will receive EUR 2,000 grants each for launching business in the area Kalanovic said that Podrinje programme should be used to strengthen the ties between the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska and put the potentials of the Drina River to use. She added that this is a European project which should be used to the maximum to achieve the goals of Serbia and Republika Srpska.

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The protocol on cooperation in the realization of the Podrinje programme was signed in October 2012, and the project holders are the Serbian Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self-Government and Republika Srpska Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation.

A total of 25 municipalities from both sides of the Drina River are included in the realization of the project, and it gathers 1.3 million people and five chambers of commerce, three of which are from Serbia and two from Republika Srpska.

A regional information and education centre for the development of organic production would open in Bajina Basta and it will provide services free of charge to producers whose focus rests on the Drina River, from Serbia and Republika Srpska alike.

Source Tanjug

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