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Korea donated 300.000 dollars worth of medical equipment to Serbia

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Today, the Government of the Republic of Korea handed over to the Government of Serbia assistance in medical equipment worth 300,000 US dollars as support for the fight against the coronavirus.
According to the Serbian government, the aid consists of three automatic RNA extraction machines, extraction kits for 18,816 tests, diagnostic kits for 18,700 tests and 19,250 pairs of latex gloves.
At the handover ceremony, which was held today at the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums “Torlak”, Verica Jovanovic, director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut”, thanked in the name of the Government for the donation to Korean Ambassador Che Hong-Chan.
Ambassador Che stated that he hopes that this equipment will help Serbia’s efficient response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and added that three automatic RNA extraction machines will help for fast and accurate testing for the corona virus.
Recalling the donation of medical equipment that Korea sent to the Military Medical Academy in 2019, which consisted of portable ultrasound devices and monitors for patients, Che emphasized that the two countries will continue to cooperate in the health sector as well as in many other areas.
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Serbia additionally donated 5,000 protective masks (FFP-2 equivalent), and Ambassador Che said that he hoped that the protective masks would help health workers who are on the front line in the fight against the pandemic.
Alexander Stefoski, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, expressed satisfaction with the continued cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea.
– Donations and attention are welcome, as they help with quick diagnostics and modernization, which completes a higher level of health care – said Stefoski.
Verica Jovanovic pointed out that for “Trampoline”, at the head of which, international cooperation is of exceptional importance, in which the Republic of Korea stood out.
– This gesture during the global fight against the virus is a great help to the capacities of the Republic of Serbia for testing citizens for SARS CoV-2. The additional contribution of the Republic of Korea was achieved through the exchange of knowledge and experiences through a webinar in which experts from the Republic of Korea and colleagues from the Institute participated – said Jovanovic.
Vera Stojiljkovic, director of “Torlak”, thanked for the donation of the Republic of Korea, emphasizing that every donation and every help means a lot to medical institutions, Blic reports.

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