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Minister says “state must transform” air carrier

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The state has to carry out the transformation of Jat Airways with or without strategic partners, Economy and Regional Development Minister Nebojša Ćirić says.

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Speaking after the deadline set for a tender to find a strategic partner for the company, he expressed expectation that such a partner “will be found”.

“This is not a classic privatization, it is about transformation and restructuring Jat and Serbia’s request is to do so with a strategic partner, to form a new company that is going to carry out cost rationalization and fleet renewal,” Ćirić told reporters after a Tanjug forum in Belgrade on Monday.

At the extended tender aimed at finding a strategic partner for Jat Airways, Latvian Baltic Aviation Systems, a co-owner of Air Baltic, was the only party tha bought the transaction documents, the Serbian Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy said.


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Serbia Energy News