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New conditions for loans guaranteed by the Government of Serbia

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New laws have come into force, which regulate a new guarantee scheme according to which companies will be able to take loans guaranteed by the Government of Serbia, as well as the register of adult citizens who will receive a new set of financial aid in the total amount of 60 euros.
All adult citizens with permanent residence in Serbia and with a valid ID card will be able to apply for financial assistance in the period from April 28 to May 15 through the portal of the Treasury Department or by calling the call center.
Recipients of social assistance and persons serving criminal sanctions do not need to apply separately to receive financial assistance, because the money will certainly be paid to them.
The Ministry of Finance will start paying the first part of the financial aid in the amount of 30 euros in dinars in May this year, while the second part of the same value should be paid in November.
The old guarantee scheme, which was adopted as a measure to support the economy, has been extended and is now valid for all loans that were released into the exchange rate by the end of July 2022.
A new guarantee scheme has been established, in which some of the conditions for obtaining loans from banks for which the state will guarantee have been changed.
Credit users can now be all micro, small and medium enterprises that had a drop in operating income of more than 20 percent in 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. Companies operating in the sectors of passenger transport, catering, travel agencies and hotels in cities are exempted from this condition.
The new scheme of novelties also includes the fact that it is allowed to take loans for refinancing or early repayment of overdue installments of existing loans for liquidity and working capital, but only for loans from the same bank where the new loan is taken.
The maximum loan amount must not exceed 30 percent of the business income of the borrower from 2019 or the amount of 3 million euros, whichever is lower.
The state can only guarantee loans to finance liquidity and working capital.
Loans must be issued in the exchange rate no later than July 31, 2022, and the loan term must not be longer than 60 months from the release into the exchange rate.
The bank is obliged to report to the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Serbia on the implementation of the guarantee scheme, and its control is performed by the Ministry with the professional and technical support of the Export Insurance and Financing Agency of the Republic of Serbia a.d. Uzice, Nova Ekonomija reports.

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