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New investments announced in Serbia

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Momirovic announced investments in the Trebinje airport for next year, which is a strategic project of Serbia and Republika Srpska.
The construction of road infrastructure maintains the macroeconomic stability of Serbia, says the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic and adds that we have favorable economic results, because the state withdrew good measures in times of crisis and was not late in any reaction.
– We are not leaving Republika Srpska in this difficult time, we are continuing investments and sticking together – said Momirovic and added that it is part of our terrible determination to tie the entire region to ourselves.
– Serbia is the center of the region. It has developed a lot in the last few years. We want the whole region to be part of the economic expansion. We can’t do without the region. We are focused on each other – he pointed out.
Momirovic added that infrastructure projects are now being implemented thanks to the fiscal consolidation that was done earlier.
– We have to be objective. Now I have the opportunity to communicate with the representatives of the IMF, the World Bank and see how they look at fiscal consolidation, the economic reconstruction of the budget. We have become a good example for other countries – said Momirovic.
According to him, Serbia has opted for large investments in infrastructure and is doing what has stood for decades.
As he added, delays in the works will not be allowed because the citizens of Serbia paid for it.
– That is also in the direct focus of the President of Serbia – said Momirovic.
As he stated, very soon people will not be able to recognize Serbia in terms of railway infrastructure.
He reminded that the railway to Valjevo was renovated, and that work was being done on the fast railway to Novi Sad as part of the Belgrade-Budapest corridor.
– Road infrastructure is blood flow, economy, growth of standards – Momirovic underlined, Srbija Danas reports.

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