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Oblige foreign trade chains to sell domestic Serbian goods

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The President of the Committee of the People’s Party for Economy and Entrepreneurship, Vladimir Kovacevic, stated today that large foreign trade chains should be obliged by law to have a certain percentage of domestic goods on their shelves.
“Domestic farmers cannot sell their apples because foreign store chains have their suppliers, so Serbian farmers are struggling to find buyers and resellers so that their apples can arrive in Russia or Poland as soon as possible,” Kovacevic said.
He assessed that the situation is similar in cattle breeding, because the price of bulls fattened for export has dropped drastically, but in the end they were not exported abroad, and cattle breeders invested a lot of money in food.
“The price of pigs dropped from 1.5 euros to 1 euros per kilogram. That is an abnormal situation and the system must be urgently regulated,” said Kovacevic.
He pointed out that economic patriotism is the basis of the People’s Party’s program for the economy.
“Our program is based on helping domestic small and medium entrepreneurs and farmers, instead of giving huge subsidies to foreign investors,” said Kovacevic, Beta reports.

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Serbia Energy News