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Panasonic employs around 300 people in Svilajnac

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Japanese company Panasonic employed around 300 people in its plant in Svilajnac and the donations of the Japanese government to the town in central Serbia exceed EUR 300,000, town mayor Predrag Milanovic told Tanjug on Thursday.

Six years ago, the Panasonic plant in Svilajnac launched production with 13 employees. It now employs around 300 workers and has a large production output, Milanovic said.

The inflow of funds from the Panasonic plant to the town budget now totals over RSD 20 million and the assistance of the Japanese government to Svilajnac through grants and investments adds up to over EUR 300,000, Milanovic said and added that the cooperation between Svilajnac and Japan began by the arrival of Panasonic.

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The latest donation arrived on Wednesday in the form of an excavator vehicle to the value of over EUR 70,000, Milanovic said.

Last year, the government of Japan donated equipment and devices to the local healthcare centre to the total value of around EUR 71,000, Milanovic specified.

This year, Japan will fund the construction of a water supply network in the village of Sedlare to the length of around 2,500 metres. The project value adds up to around RSD 15 million, Milanovic said.

Source; in Serbia

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