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Prices in May increase 0.1% month-on-month

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The Statistics Office stated that prices of products and services in May 2014 in relation to April 2014 increased by 0.1% on average.

Consumer prices in May 2014, compared with May 2013, increased by 2.1%, and in relation to December 2013, increase amounted to 1.8%.

Observed by main groups according to destination of consumption in May 2014 in relation to the previous month, the greatest increase of prices was noted in the following groups: Clothing and footwear (by 0.3%), Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels and Restaurants and hotels (by 0.2% each), and Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance (by 0.1%).

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The decrease of prices was noted in the groups Transport, Recreation and Culture, and Education (by -0.3% each) and in the group Communications (by-0.1%).

Prices of other products and services mostly remained unchanged.

CPI COICOP is defined as a measure of average change of retail prices of goods and services used for personal consumption.

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