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Serbia and Hungary plan for construction of high-speed rail on Corridor 10

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The Chinese Embassy in Budapest launched an initiative for the construction of high-speed rail on Corridor 10 between Belgrade and Budapest for trains whose speed exceeds 300 km/h informed the Serbian Ministry of Transport on Thursday, ANSAmed reports.

The total value of the investment would add up to EUR 2 billion, early estimates show. According to Chinese representatives, officials should discuss the possibility of building the railway for trains that go at speeds of over 300 km/h since it would be built in almost perfect conditions thanks to the environment.

The Chinese initiative for the construction of high-speed rail was also discussed at the session which the joint Hungary-Serbia commission held last December, and it was included in the conclusions on the commission’s work. According to analyses issued so far and the data procured from economic and expert teams, the railway would pay off and its construction would be justified since the flow of passengers, goods and capital between the two countries is constantly increasing. Back in 1992, the European Commission defined the idea for the construction of the Belgrade-Budapest railway as one of the priorities in the sector of the development of railway infrastructure.

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