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Serbia announces new assistance to the economy and citizens

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The Minister of Finance, sMali, said today that the payment of one full minimum salary in the field of catering and tourism will follow on August 16.
The Minister reminded that the payment of aid within the third package continues, as well as that additional money has been set aside for citizens.
“The full minimum salary in the field of catering and tourism will follow on August 16, while 50 euros will be paid to pensioners in September. In November, 30 euros will follow, and in December, another 20 euros will help all adult citizens. In total, that means that all adult citizens will receive 80 euros, and considering that pensioners will receive an additional 50 euros in September, that makes a total of 130 euros for the oldest this year. It is a huge help that is paid directly from the budget. Thus, in no case do we endanger the public debt, which is currently 56.2 percent in relation to GDP, significantly less than the 60 percent prescribed by the Maastricht Treaty. When we inherited power, the public debt was 77 percent of GDP. We are not playing with public finances in any way, we are seriously dealing with economic policy,” he said for TV Happy.
When it comes to investments, they now make up 7.2 percent of GDP, while ten years ago they were three, 3.2 percent, the minister said, adding that the state had shown seriousness, strength and knew how to react during a pandemic, BizLife reports.

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