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Serbia Germany Trade Relations

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Nebojsa Ciric, Serbian Minister of Economy and Regional Development, stated Tuesday that the German-Serbian Business Forum within the 2012 Hannover Fair is an opportunity for German partners and friends to get better acquainted with the experience of German companies that have already invested in Serbia.

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Addressing the panel dubbed “Serbia as a Business Location – Prospects for Cooperation,” Ciric stressed that, apart from enabling direct contact with German companies, the Forum presents all advantages and opportunities of investing in Serbia, incuding the financial, fiscal and macroeconomic stability that Serbia offers to foreign investors.

The minister said that the Forum he attended on the second day of his official visit to Hannover displays the importance that Serbia and Germany dedicate to the promotion of economic cooperation derived from good political relations.

He expressed great satisfaction that, for the first time in seven years, the Serbian companies have had an opportunity to present their products at the prestigious 2012 Hannover Messe, the world’s largest technology expo which last year gathered 6,500 exhibitors from 65 countries.

Director of the Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) Bozidar Laganin stated that the Forum, jointly organized by SIEPA and its global partners, is an excellent opportunity to provide new information to the German partners with whom talks have been conducted for some time. “This was also an opportunity for them to learn about the experience of their colleagues who have already decided to invest in Serbia. I am convinced that we will attend the fair next year as well, taking into account not only the interest and potential of Serbian companies, but also the interest of our partners in Germany,” Laganin underlined.

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On the first day of his stay to Hannover, Ciric visited the world’s largest technology and innovation fair focused on finding technological solutions for a sustainable industrial production in various sectors. The minister visited Serbia’s booth organized by SIEPA, which presented 10 Serbian companies and the Vojvodina Metal Cluster, the Ministry’s statement reads.

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