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Serbia has a total of 1,716,499 employed

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The total number of employed people in Serbia is estimated at 1,716,499 in January, 0.4 percent down from the month before and 1.3 percent down from January 2012, according to the latest issue of a magazine published by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

According to estimates, 1,335,895 people were employed by legal persons, while the remaining 380,604 were registered as entrepreneurs and their employees.

In absolute indicators, the biggest drop in employment occurred in the processing industry, healthcare and social services, education, construction, trade, transportation and agriculture. The most jobs were created in the service industry, the fields of science, innovation and technology, financial sector, administrative and other services, IT and communication, the state administration and mandatory social security.

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The total number of jobless in January was 778,739, which is 2.3 percent higher than the month before and 1.9 percent more than in the same month last year. Long-term unemployment went up 1.7 percent in a single month, and 4.8 percent compared to January 2012, which is an indicator that there is not enough investment activity in the country.

Source Tanjug

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