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Serbia Introduces changes in mining and energy

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The Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, stated that “Srbijagas” and EPS are the two most important companies and pillars of economic development of Serbia, which must bring profit, and reforms are needed for that.
The Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, said that several important projects are being realized in mining and energy, and that the amendment to the law will create a favorable space for new investments.
“Just as we have become an unavoidable route on the roads, we also want to be a transit corridor in the energy sector. It is important for Serbia to ensure energy security, to have sufficient quantities of quality gas, electricity and oil derivatives. We are a small country, but we have an excellent geostrategic position and it is time to use that,” said Mihajlovic on RT Vojvodina.
She pointed out that in addition to RTB Bor, there is also the “Jadarit” project, an investment worth 2 billion euros, which will employ 2,000 workers.
Here, it is important that people know that we will do everything to make every type of exploitation and processing green and healthy, with the protection of the environment, because human health is most important. The best, most modern and latest technologies will be used. Also, a part of Kostolac B3 is being built, I am not satisfied there, it is taking too long. Our vision is to get rid of coal, the dirtiest source of energy. It is also important that we have more gas suppliers, that is why the gas interconnection Nis-Dimitrovgrad between Serbia and Bulgaria is important. And there is no reason not to make an interconnection with Romania as well,” she said.
Mihajlovic also announced a new law on renewable energy sources, as well as the digitalization of the energy sector.
“Next year will look much different. We are passing new laws and we will create space for investors to want to come to Serbia. We will digitize everything – permits, rights, licenses, which also helps in the fight against corruption. We are also creating a new independent energy efficiency fund, primarily for households, but also for other facilities, considering that we are throwing 40 percent of energy out the window,” she said, the relevant ministry announced.
“Srbijagas” and EPS are pillars of development and that is why reforms are necessary
“To separate activities, to have transparent business, clear public procurements and projects that are not late. And that is not a question of one man, but of the entire system,” said Mihajlovic.
She pointed out that there are a lot of problems in “Srbijagas” and Elektroprivreda Srbije and that it is necessary to redefine investment plans.
“It is important to reduce losses in order to get quality, to have efficient, modern and powerful companies in the energy sector. And that is the vision of the President and the Government of Serbia,” Mihajlovic pointed out, Nova Ekonomija reports.

She pointed out that these are not private companies, that the directors were appointed by the state and they must work in accordance with the decisions of the Government.

“But when you need to make big changes, you always have huge resistance. It is easiest to hide behind personal and party conflicts, various conspiracy theories. In fact, the most important thing is what they have done so far and whether they can implement reforms, “she said.

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Mihajlovic added that the reform plan for these companies will be made public and that it is necessary to separate “Transportgas” and “Distribucijagas”, because we are losing millions of euros in the transport network alone.

“In December, we will probably have fines from the Energy Community. This means that in 2021, we will not be able to influence any decision in the EC, because “Srbijagas” did not separate its activities, “stated Mihajlović, reports Tanjug.

She added that she has nothing against someone being a director for 10, 15 years if she brings results.

“Here we have groups of people who have appanages in various companies of 5, 10 thousand euros each, they employ husbands, wives … I repeat, these are not private companies. ‘Srbijagas’ had to realize the gasification of Serbia, gas interconnections, they are there to bring results for the citizens of Serbia. The institutionalization of individuals must stop “, she concluded, the relevant ministry announced.

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