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Serbia plans to establish an Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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The establishment of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence next year is just one of the measures envisaged by the Action Plan for the Development of Artificial Intelligence 2020-2022, which was adopted by the Government of Serbia a few days ago.
The action plan refers to the recently adopted Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2020-2025.
The general goal of the strategy is to use artificial intelligence (AI) in the function of economic growth, employment and a better quality of life. The specific objectives are the development of AI-oriented education, the development of science and innovation in the power of AI, the development of an AI-based economy and the improvement of services in an AI-based public sector. The goal is both ethical and safe application of artificial intelligence.
One of the measures is the improvement of teaching contents in primary and secondary schools. The goal is for the number of subjects in primary school in which artificial intelligence is included in the curriculum to be one in 2021. As stated in the action plan, there were two such subjects in secondary schools in 2019, so it is planned to be four in 2021 and seven in 2022.
The total number of students who are accredited for enrollment in the first year of study programs that are in line with the minimum standards for artificial intelligence topics is 70 students in 2021 and 150 in 2022.
Two master programs are planned in 2021 and three in 2022.
When it comes to the development of public services based on AI, it is planned to create regulatory conditions for the introduction of a limited market exception “regulatory sandbox” in order to test solutions based on artificial intelligence in 4 areas of public importance (health and medicine, agriculture and forestry, transport, smart cities).
Sandbox is a special regulatory regime that allows companies to test, in accordance with the approved plan and under the supervision of the competent authority, innovative solutions or business models on a limited number of users, Alo reports.

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Serbia Energy News