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Serbia records 11% increase in average gross salaries and wages in December m/m

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The average gross salaries and wages paid in December 2012 in the Republic of Serbia amounted to dinars 65165. Compared to the average gross salaries and wages paid in November 2012, this was an increase of 10.6% in nominal terms and 11.0% increase in real terms.

The average net salaries and wages paid in December 2012 in the Republic of Serbia totaled 46923 dinars. Compared to the average net salaries and wages paid in November 2012, this was 10.7% increase in nominal terms and 11.1% increase in real terms.

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December 2012

– The average gross salaries and wages paid in the Republic of Serbia in December 2012, compared to the average gross salaries and wages paid in December 2011, were by 6.6% increased in nominal terms and by 5.0% decreased in real terms.

– The average net salaries and wages paid in the Republic of Serbia in December 2012, compared to the average net salaries and wages paid in December 2011, were by 6.9% increased in nominal terms and by 4.7% decreased in real terms.
January – December 2012

–  The average gross salaries and wages paid in the period January – December 2012 in the Republic of Serbia, compared to the average gross salaries and wages paid in the period January – December 2011, were by 8.9% increased in nominal terms and by 1.0% increased in real terms.

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– The average net salaries and wages paid in the period January – December 2012 in the Republic of Serbia, compared to the average net salaries and wages paid in the period January – December 2011, were by 9.0% increased in nominal terms and by 1.1% increased in real terms.

Source Balkans

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Serbia Energy News
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