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Serbia to become manufacturer of highly sophisticated high-tech products

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Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic visited today the company Panasonic in Svilajnac and said that with its arrival, Serbia raised its reputation and attractiveness to investors and has joined the list of countries that produce high technology.

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After visiting the manufacturing plant of Panasonic, which employs 100 workers with the plan of expansion for the future, Cvetkovic said that the Serbian government will continue to support such investments.

He said that he can note with satisfaction that after Serbia obtained the status of candidate for EU membership, the interest of investors to come to our country has increased significantly.

With the arrival of Panasonic, both Svilajnac and Serbia gained a lot, Cvetkovic underlined and specified that it is an investment worth about €13 million, which brought to Svilajnac a new industrial culture.

Speaking about its importance for Serbia, Panasonic’s investment does not represent only the arrival of yet another global company in our country, but it also turned Serbia into a manufacturer of highly sophisticated products from the domain of high technology, the Prime Minister declared.

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In addition to Panasonic, several renowned producers have been brought to Serbia who will launch their production in the near future.

Cvetkovic said that he discussed with the leadership of Panasonic the solving of technical details regarding the company’s operations in Serbia and added that the government will do everything to resolve them and enable the planned expansion of production.

The Prime Minister also visited the free zone in Svilajnac, formed by the decision of the Serbian government, where Panasonic’s premises are located.

He said that companies that are currently situated in the zone, as well as those that are expected to be set up there, will have significant benefits, especially for the production intended for export.

They will be allowed to import components and materials without tax and customs duties and also to export tax free.

In the future we can look with optimism on the development of this area, which needs more of supporting infrastructure and construction of roads, the Prime Minister pointed out.

We passed through the most difficult year and still managed to stay on our feet. And not only that, we also managed to attract many companies that are interested in investing in our country, which will give us stability in the period ahead of us, Cvetkovic said.

The Prime Minister also visited finishing construction works on the Centre of Natural Sciences in Svilajnac, which will have a science park.

He noted that this centre will have an enormous importance not only for citizens of Svilajnac, but also for the development of tourism there and voiced hope that it will increase the reputation and interest in this place.

Source Serbia Gov.

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