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“Serbian economy has future in reindustrialization”

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The National Council for Economic Recovery met on Monday in Belgrade and announced what it saw as “the path to better industrial revitalization”. The measures to that goal, the Council said after the meeting, included “reduction of interest rates, better promotion of Serbia as a favorable investment destination and coordination of government measures with the real needs of the economy”.

During the session chaired by Prime Minister Ivica Dačić, the Council stated that the future of Serbia’s economy depends on reindustrialization and that the development of industry based on resources constitutes a chance for increase of exports and resolving the unemployment issue.

On this occasion, an expert team was set up which will prepare the programme of sustainable measures for prompt reindustrialization of the Serbian economy within a month, the Serbian government office for cooperation with the media released.

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The Council also stated that the measures undertaken by the government prevented the country from going bankrupt but that a plan for faster reindustrialization needs to be made so as to revive the existing economic capacities, primarily in the energy sector, agriculture and development of information technologies.

Source B92

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