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Serbian Railways opens 100MEUR tender for supply of 15 new locomotives

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Serbian Railways announced a tender for 15 new multisystem electricity locomotives that will be bought from European Bank credit funds for improvement and development. Deadline for technical offers’ delivery is 27 March, at 12 o’clock.

The procurement is financed with 100 million Euros EBRD credit, aimed for modernization of Koridor 10 Railways, supply of multisystem locomotives and rails’ mechanization.

“Credit is approved on 15 September 2010, and it began to be available on 5 July 2011, but it has not been withdrawn yet and Railways paid 416.000 Euros for interest and penalties”, Director of Media center Railways Nenad Stanisavljevic said.

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Company from every country can participate on tender, but it should accomplish certain conditions. Two-stage tender process will be adopted to insure all offers, in accordance with acceptable technical standards and to accomplish the minimum of operational demands.

Providers will submit only technical offers in the first phase without any remarks related to prices, and they will offer prices in the second phase. Price offers must have 1,3 million Euros guarantee.

Source Serbia Times

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Serbia Energy News
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