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Tadic, Mrkonjic at start of motorway construction

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Presidential candidate of the coalition Choice for a Better Life Boris Tadic and Minister of Infrastructure Milutin Mrkonjic attended on Wednesday the start of construction of two sections of the motorway through Grdelicka Klisura, which, Mrkonjic stated, is the greatest construction challenge in Europe.

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The government established a system at a very difficult moment in terms of economy, which has finally yielded results, and those are the new motorways, bridges and infrastructure that Serbia did not build in the previous decades, Tadic noted.

The deeds done testify that we are going to do what lies ahead of us, Tadic said, adding that two thirds of the population will live inside a network of motorways in just a few years.

It was not easy to achieve such results, especially because of an inherited debt of several hundred million euros in the construction industry, Tadic remarked.

There have been no scandals in this business, unlike in other countries of the region, he stated.

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Serbia often looks to countries of the EU and those about to become members, which have completed their motorways, but the way in which they did it has led them into great debts and crisis, said Tadic.

The work on the two sections of the south leg of Corridor 10, along motorway E75, which started on Wednesday will cost around EUR 100 million, and the funds will come from a World Bank loan. One section connects Grabovnica and Grdelica and the other Vladicin Han and Donji Neradovac.

This stage involves the construction of 31 km of the motorway. The work is done by Terna from Greece, but Serbian companies are expected to be involved as well.

Mrkonjic said that 200 km of motorway along Corridor 10 will be completed this year, with the end of the current government’s term, stressing that he saw that as a great result.

Mrkonjic expects the next government to have the opportunity of completing corridors 10 and 11.

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