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Tag: borrowing

Serbia borrowed another 6.21 billion dinars through bonds

The state sold at auction two-year bonds in the amount of 6.21 billion dinars, announced the Public Debt Administration. The issue of two-year government bonds...

Serbia, The age limit for home loans is moving

You have decided to finally solve the housing issue, you have found a property in the perfect location, you are satisfied with the size...

Serbia, The West is second to none, the credits are in China

The largest reservoir of capital for financing economic, social and democratic development in Serbia from 2000 to today was the West - the EU...

Serbia, The population’s demand for loans has decreased

The population's demand for loans decreased during the last quarter of 2022, which was influenced by the rise in real estate prices and the...

Serbia, Loans from the French Development Agency and the IBRD of a total of 265.2 million euros before the deputies

During the current session, the members of the Serbian Parliament will decide on the confirmation of the loan in the maximum amount of 176.8...

By law, the State of Serbia provided guarantees in favor of three banks for the indebtedness of JP Srbijagas

According to the law published in the Official Gazette, guarantees were given in favor of UniKredit Banka Srbija for a loan of EUR 75...

The state, the economy and the population in Serbia owe almost 100 billion euros

When the total debt on all bases is added up, the state, the economy and the population in Serbia owe almost 100 billion euros...

Serbia, Will buying an apartment be a mission impossible for the average citizen in 2023

Have square meter prices reached their maximum or will they continue to grow at a gallop in 2023. This is the dilemma that plagues...
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