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Tag: budget rebalance

Serbia’s agricultural budget rebalance includes new incentives and strategic developments

Nenad Katanić, Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia, announced that the proposed rebalancing of the 2024 republic budget...

Serbia, New budget and new projects

Minister of Finance Siniša Mali said that the budget proposal for next year will be presented to the members of the Parliament of Serbia...

Government has not listed Air Serbia as a recipient of direct state subsidies in its draft of the 2023 budget

The Serbian government has not listed Air Serbia as a recipient of direct state subsidies in its draft of the 2023 budget for the...

Serbia, Less money for investment projects

However, the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure decided to abandon a certain number of investment projects this year, postpone them or start their...

Serbia, Five billion euros for guarantees and potential borrowing in the energy sector

The budget proposal for 2023 plans to issue guarantees in the amount of 2.13 billion euros for energy projects with the German Development Bank...

Serbia, What does the new budget bring

The good things about the budget are the relief of the economy due to the reduction of tax obligations for wages, as well as...

Serbia, The Government forwarded the Law on the Budget for 2023

The Government of Serbia forwarded the Law on the Budget for 2023 to the Parliament for adoption, according to which the deficit will be...

Serbia, The fiscal strategy envisages a gradual stabilization of the budget

The revised fiscal strategy puts Serbia's public debt on a safe downward path in relation to the gross domestic product, the Fiscal Council estimated. According...
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