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Tag: economic growth

Economic turbulence in Serbia

Over the past 40 years, Serbia has experienced significant political and economic upheaval, with cycles of crisis, reform, and stabilization. The transition from a...

Serbia’s economic growth in 2023: Sectoral profits and market resilience

Serbia's economy experienced heightened investment and credit activity last year, contributing to a 2.5% increase in GDP. According to data from the Business Registers...

Serbia’s economy shows profitable growth in 2023

The economic landscape of Serbia in 2023 exhibited robust profitability and strengthened financial capacities, according to the "Annual Report on Business Operations in 2023"...

Serbia’s economic growth: Leading in Europe’s first quarter

Serbia's economic performance in the first quarter has been highlighted by President Aleksandar Vučić, who declared Serbia as the fastest-growing economy in Europe during...

Facilitating economic growth: Serbia’s legal framework and incentives for investments

Over the past few years, various media outlets have highlighted investments and foreign projects aimed at advancing the economy of the Republic of Serbia....

Serbia’s economic transformation and challenges: Insights from macroeconomic analysis

The book states that Serbia's economy, during the analyzed period, underwent significant structural changes from a hybrid market socialist system to a market economy...

The Jadar project in Serbia – Economic promise or environmental peril?

Marijanti Babić, the chief representative of Rio Tinto, holds firm that the Jadar project can be a secure pathway to economic growth for Serbia....

World Bank projects economic growth for Serbia and the Balkans

The World Bank anticipates that Serbia's economy will expand by 3.5 percent in 2024, picking up pace to 3.8 percent in 2025 and four...
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