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Tag: farmers

Serbia and Egypt sign Free Trade Agreement, unlocking major opportunities for Serbian farmers and industries

The recent free trade agreement between Serbia and Egypt offers a significant opportunity for Serbian farmers, granting access to a market of over 106...

Serbian government agrees to amend Agriculture Law following meeting with farmers’ associations

An agreement has been reached for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management to address the demands from agricultural associations and propose amendments...

Driving rural prosperity: The rise of mixed agricultural production in Serbia

Agricultural experts assert that mixed agricultural production is the key to rural survival in Serbia. This versatile sector encompasses both crop cultivation and animal...

Debunking claims of grain imports from Ukraine affecting Serbian farmers

Recent discussions in the media have reignited debates regarding the potential influence of grain imports from Ukraine on the prices of domestic wheat and...

Unlocking Serbia’s seed potential: Challenges and opportunities ahead

Serbia holds significant untapped potential in the production of certified seeds, but its utilization lags behind many European counterparts due to farmers' preference for...

Serbia’s Agricultural Sector Grapples with Significant Challenges Due to Depressed Prices for Producers

The yields of basic crops were solid last year, but their prices on the world market have been extremely low for quite some time,...

“It is incomprehensible that economic policy towards agriculture is conducted from day to day”

"The state's policy towards agriculture in Serbia cannot be clearly seen from the budget for 2024. That's an example of weakness in the overall...

“A turbulent year for farmers – inflation, protests, census.”

The year behind us in agriculture was marked by inflation, high prices of basic foodstuffs, African swine fever, census, and farmers' protests. In 2023, Serbian...
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