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Tag: public debt

Serbia’s growing debt: Analysis and implications for financial stability

At the end of last year, Serbia's total external debt reached 45.4 billion euros, with over half, amounting to 24.7 billion euros, attributed to...

Serbia’s public debt stable at 47.6% of GDP in May 2024

As of the end of May this year, Serbia's public debt stood at approximately 36.35 billion euros, equivalent to 47.6% of the gross domestic...

Challenges and priorities for Serbia’s new government: Economy, public finances and political landscape

Recently, Serbia's Parliament elected a new government, maintaining continuity with the coalition of parties and movements in power since 2012. Although there's a new...

Serbia’s economic transformation and challenges: Insights from macroeconomic analysis

The book states that Serbia's economy, during the analyzed period, underwent significant structural changes from a hybrid market socialist system to a market economy...

Serbia issues debut sustainable bonds on international market, raising $1.5 billion for green and social projects

In a historic move, the Republic of Serbia has ventured into the realm of sustainable bonds on the global market, securing a substantial $1.5...

Serbia’s public debt trends: Analysis of recent figures

Serbia's public debt reached approximately 36.30 billion euros by the end of April this year, accounting for 47.6% of the gross domestic product (GDP),...

Insights into Serbia’s guaranteed debt landscape: Balancing infrastructure investments

The Ministry of Finance has recently disclosed updated figures regarding the movement of public debt, encompassing guaranteed debt, which includes loans procured by public...

Serbia’s responsible economic policy in comparison to global trends

During a recent statement in Washington, Minister Siniša Mali pointed out the significant disparity between Serbia's public debt relative to GDP and the global...
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