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Tag: river ports

Anticipated Arrival: Serbia Braces for 200,000 Cruise Tourists

In 2023, 15.1 million tons of cargo were transshipped on the rivers in Serbia, which is 0.8% less than the previous year, as announced...

In the Past Year, Serbian Rivers Facilitated the Transshipment of 14.8 Million Tons of Goods

The Ports Management Agency recorded 14.8 million tons of transshipped cargo on rivers in Serbia during 2023. According to the Agency's statement, after processing...

Serbia: A Rising River Trading Hub for EU Market Access

Serbia, a landlocked country in the heart of the Balkans, is steadily emerging as a significant river trading hub, offering an alternative route for...

Competitiveness of Serbia River Ports for EU Market Entrance of International Companies, new business services market development 

Serbia, a landlocked country located in Southeast Europe, offers diverse transportation routes including its expansive river network. The river ports in Serbia present a...

Serbia’s River Ports: A Trading Hub for Companies Seeking EU Market Expansion – Development of Manufacturing and Assembly Facilities for EU Exports

Serbia, located in the heart of the Balkans, offers a unique advantage for companies seeking to expand their operations in the European Union (EU)...
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