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Ten percent more cars were sold last year in Serbia

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In Serbia, 10 percent more new cars were sold in 2019 than in 2018, according to Novosti.

A good business year, as estimated by new car importers in 2018, when 30.731 new vehicles were sold, was outpaced in November last year with a total of 31.601 vehicles sold.

It is expected that December last year will be after the sale of new cars at the level of the 12th month from 2018, when 2.638 units were sold, which means that the jump in sales will be above 10 percent.

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Most vehicles were sold last year in April, 4.258, which is the result of the well-organized Belgrade Motor Show, where buyers have traditionally benefited from big discounts. Most of the vehicles, passenger and light commercial sold were “Skoda” – 5.437. Second place went to “Fiat” with 5.133 sold, and third “Renault” with 2.020 vehicles.

Although this is the first 11 months, excluding December, it is realistic to expect that this power balance will not change even when the sales results of the last month of 2019 are summed up.

The undisputed leader in the sale of light commercial vehicles, which is believed to be the best indicator of the growth of a country’s economy, is a “Fiat” with 2.604 sold “professionals”.

Followed by a “Dachia” with 803 and a “Volkswagen” with 607 vehicles sold in that category.

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In passenger cars, the dominance of “Skoda” in our market continues, with 4.918 vehicles purchased by the police, the military.

Following are the “Fiat” with 2.529 and “Renault” with 1.541 cars sold. Truck sales also increased significantly in our market, so in the first 11 months of last year 1.450 wheels were sold, which is about 300 vehicles more than the previous year.

“Numerous new cars that arrived at our market almost at the same time as Europe’s largest markets, favorable terms of purchase, numerous discounts and other benefits introduced by our importers have yielded results”, said Secretary General of the Serbian Association of Importers of New Vehicles and Parts Boban Nikolic for Novosti.

He expects this year to be even more successful, especially if it limits the uncontrolled import of ancient vehicles that have been expelled from the roads as dangerous environmental pollutants in the EU.


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