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The depth of the economic crisis in Serbia remains to be seen

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For years, the biggest businessmen have been trying unsuccessfully to talk to the Government of Serbia about measures that would pull the state’s economy forward with the necessary speed, said Zoran Drakulic, president of the Serbian Business Club Privrednik.
In a conversation for the portal, he warned that the depth of the crisis in Serbia will only be seen at the end of the year, and that is why he is not optimistic about the rapid recovery of the economy from the consequences of the pandemic.
He adds that private individuals will not benefit much from the issuance of corporate bonds, because this mechanism will mainly serve to pump money into large state and public companies.
Pointing out that the largest businessmen in Serbia pay a billion and a half euros into the budget every year through various taxes, Drakulić pointed out that the ministers of economy and finance were never in contact with the club Privrednik.
The Prime Minister promised that “we should see each other”, but none of that happened, he added and stated that “she obviously did not get the consent for that meeting”.
Asked who now leads the Serbian economy, Drakulic answered that they are the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali.
As he mentioned, they cannot do it alone, but they need a strong Minister of Economy and Minister of Agriculture, N1 reports.

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Serbia Energy News