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The Electric Power Industry of Serbia has protected businessmen by extending old electricity prices

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By freezing the price for customers on the commercial market, in the midst of the biggest energy crisis, the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) protected the survival of the economy and did what no other energy company in the region has done, EPS announced.
While the prices of electricity on the stock exchanges in the region, as stated, are “wild” and exceed 200 and even 300 euros per megawatt-hour, the state and EPS provided Serbian businessmen with a stable energy price at the level of their previous contracts before the crisis.
– So the allegations of Zoran Drakulić, the president of the Business Association Privrednik, that his company pays for electricity at 2.7 times higher than before are absolutely not true. It is true that his company Bio Energy Point has a contract until the end of 2021 at a price of 54.73 euros per megawatt-hour for a higher tariff and 35.20 euros per megawatt-hour for a lower tariff – states EPS.
EPS states that the company Green Energy Point has a single price of 48.33 euros per megawatt-hour, as well as that Drakulić’s company Point Group Int was not supplied through EPS.
– Already through another supplier, Energia Gas and Power, which is no longer working, and that Drakulić’s company had nowhere to buy electricity. Since September, this company has been on a two-month reserve supply, provided by EPS, at a price of 66.72 per MWh, and this has been extended until the end of the year based on the recommendation of the Government of Serbia.
EPS says that the economy of Serbia is not damaged by the decisions of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia, but on the contrary.
– Businessman Drakulić, who must be uninformed or malicious, was not damaged either. In order to protect businessmen, the President of Serbia and the Government of Serbia have made a decision to extend the validity of old electricity prices. The price mentioned by Drakulić would be at that level, as everywhere in the world, if there was no responsible state policy, which he unarguably criticizes – they say in EPS.
Also, EPS points out that it operates on the open electricity market in Serbia as only one of 63 licensed suppliers and that each customer can choose from whom to buy energy.
EPS states in a statement that during the greatest energy crisis, the citizens and economy of Serbia have the cheapest electricity and stable supply, and that this was made possible thanks to experts and employees in EPS, because even in such conditions EPS modernizes plants and builds new ones.
Drakulić said that due to the rise in electricity prices for the economy by 2.7 times, part of the Serbian economy will stop, because it will not be able to withstand that pressure, and that another part of the economy will incorporate that cost into the prices of final products that”pushes” into even higher inflation in 2022, Novosti reports.

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