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The first imported copper ore trains arrived in Bor

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The joint stock company for railway transport of goods “Serbia Cargo”, has started to transport copper ore imported from Spain through the Port Bar for “Zidjin”.

The new transport started in mid-December, and the contracted amount is 10,000 tonnes by the end of the year, Serbia Cargo announced.

The unloading of the first ship in the Port of Bar was attended by representatives of the management of this company, then Zidjin, as well as other partners in this transport project.

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“The planned increase in production, announced by Zidjin for the next year, will have a positive impact on our company as it has contracted the transportation of an additional 50,000 tonnes of copper ore”, the statement said.

For the realization of this project, Serbia Cargo has hired 45 freight wagons from its own fleet.

For the first time, the transport of so-called heavy trains, with a gross mass of 1,860 tonnes, was realized on the territory of Serbia.

In a statement, it was recalled that “Serbia Cargo” purchased 16 new locomotives from Siemens for the purchase of which were secured from a loan arrangement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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