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The German company Boysen opened an exhaust factory in Subotica

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is convinced that Serbia, if observed in the past two years, can still be the country with the highest growth rate in Europe, noting that it is “the result of hard workers”.
Vučić, who attended the opening of the BAS Boysen Abgassysteme factory today, said that he was proud of what the German company had done by opening the factory in Subotica.
This is for our grandchildren, for those who are coming. There was no such thing in Serbia, I saw when I visited the Volkswagen factory in Germany, said Vučić.
I also talked to workers from Subotica, Backa Topola, some from Pozarevac. 500 people will work in this factory, which is highly robotic, and those workers are our pride, said Vučić.
Vojvodina must catch up with Belgrade, if it needs to overtake it, it must progress, said Vučić and added that Ivanjica also got an important factory thanks to Boysen from Subotica.
“German investors are safe investors, they provide additional stability to Serbia, and thank you for that,” said Vučić.
The President of the Boysen Abgassysteme Group, Rolf Ditel Gayzel, thanked the President of Serbia and government officials for the implementation of a joint project, a new exhaust system factory in Subotica.
We have 25 suitable ones around the world, and this year we will have a turnover of 2.6 billion euros. Here in Subotica, we have the largest production plant of the group, realized abroad, said Gayzel.
According to him, the factory in Subotica is one of the most modern production plants in Europe with 38,000 square meters.
The investments will reach 70 million euros by the end of the year, 80 workers were initially employed, and in the next three years we will offer attractive jobs for 500 employees, Gayzel said.
He announced that next year a turnover of almost 100 million euros is expected at this location, and for 2023 a turnover of 160 million euros is expected annually.
German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb pointed out that the new factory in Subotica is another exemplary project of a German investor and “a symbol of exceptional economic relations between the two countries.”
German companies are becoming more active, and investments have exceeded 3.5 billion euros since 2000, and German companies have created tens of thousands of jobs in Serbia, Schieb pointed out.
The ceremony was attended by the President of the Provincial Government Igor Mirović, the President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina Istvan Pastor, as well as Ministers Andjelka Atanasković and Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Danas reports.

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