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The labor market in Serbia is stable, with fewer unemployed than in 2019

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There is stability on the labor market in Serbia, there are no oscillations, and the number of unemployed is lower than at the same time last year and at the beginning of this year, said today the director of the National Employment Service, Zoran Martinovic.
“The number of unemployed on our records is decreasing. At the moment we have 508,000 people on our records, and at the beginning of March there were about 515,000. It is important to see that there is stability in the labor market, no oscillations, no layoffs,” said Martinovic for RTS.
He pointed out that the domestic economy in the second quarter functioned under the strong influence of the epidemic, but also under the influence of measures taken by the Government of Serbia, which preserved economic stability and all jobs at that time.”
As he said, IT specialists, construction and mechanical engineers, economists, construction workers, doctors and other medical staff find jobs the easiest.
“The demand for couriers, delivery people, social workers, caregivers has also increased,” said Martinovic.
The director of the National Employment Service said that a small number of dismissals were recorded.
“In the conditions of the epidemic, the sector of tourism, catering, mini trade, traffic was most affected. Very soon after the end of the state of emergency, that market stabilized. Tourism only did not notice increased employment, but the trade sector certainly did,” Martinovic explained.
He reminded that during the epidemic and the state of emergency, the possibility of electronic registration of employment services was introduced and that the unemployed were informed that they would not be deleted from the records until further notice because many were not able to register.
“The measures taken by the government and the ‘My first salary’ program, which should include about 10,000 young people, will certainly have an impact on keeping the labor market stable,” said the director of the National Employment Service, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News