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The revival of the railway in Serbia is one of the strategic goals of the EIB

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Revival of railways in Serbia will be one of the strategic goals of the European Investment Bank (EIB) so that younger generations can start using this environmentally friendly and safe mode of transport, which has been neglected for decades, said the head of the EIB Western Balkans Regional Office Dubravka Negre .
“The plan is to finance the rehabilitation of the railway on Corridor 10 to the borders with Croatia and Northern Macedonia,” Negre said in an interview with the Beta agency.
She stated that within the previously published aid package for the Western Balkans, a significant part of the funds will be placed in Serbia in various sectors.
“We will continue to invest in road infrastructure. In addition to the construction of the Nis-Merdare highway, we will also support the reconstruction of highways and smaller, suburban roads that are important for the local population,” Negre said.
She added that the EIB will also contribute to solving the problems with sewerage, so the realization of the project of building a sewerage network in the Belgrade municipality of Palilula is planned, as well as water supply in 25 municipalities throughout Serbia.
“We will continue to support the economy, in addition to small and medium enterprises, we will also help micro and technological startup companies that are otherwise struggling to get finance. Our idea is to support the development of innovations and initiatives for digitalization of society. We will work on completing the Science and Technology Park in Novi Sad, in addition to those already built in Belgrade and Nis as part of the EIB’s 200 million euro investment in science and development. The expansion and improvement of the digital infrastructure is also planned to introduce high-speed internet in schools across Serbia,” she said.
She reminded that the EIB has so far financed 84 projects in Serbia with six billion euros. Of that, almost 40 percent was invested in transport, and 35 percent in support of small and medium enterprises through credit lines with local banks.
“With these funds, over 320,000 jobs were preserved, hundreds of kilometers of roads across the country were renovated, nearly 200 schools and 20 hospitals were reconstructed and equipped. The Clinical Center in Nis was completely completed in accordance with modern standards and that institution became a health center for southern Serbia. which is treating 2.5 million citizens. The completion of works at the Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade and the beginning of works at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad are expected,” Negre said.
Asked whether the EIB is satisfied with the implementation of the projects financed by that bank, she said that there is a lot of room for improvement and that she hopes that the experience gained in previous years will be valuable and can be used in the coming period.
According to her, the technical documentation for the planned projects for the reconstruction of roads and railways, for which funds have already been planned, is in various stages of preparation.
“Some projects are already in the final phase of preparation, such as the construction of the Nis-Plocnik highway, on the way to Pristina, and we expect a public procurement to be announced relatively soon. For new investments, the European Union will provide significant donations for the preparation of technical documentation. How it will take place will depend on all participants, primarily the project promoters, the institutions of the Republic of Serbia, and we hope for good and efficient cooperation with all partners in order to maximize the funds offered under the favorable conditions as part of donations placed in the coming period,” she said.
Commenting on the EIB’s contribution to the regional connection of Negra, she said that she started business in this region with the construction of the “Brotherhood and Unity” highway in 1977.
“And then we realized how crucial connecting the countries of this region is for faster economic progress, development of the living standard of its citizens and municipalities located near the main roads. That is also a precondition for attracting domestic and foreign investors,” she said.
As she pointed out, since 2001, the EIB has invested 2.3 billion euros in the reconstruction and construction of new roads in Serbia, and thus contributed to increasing the safety and speed of the flow of goods and people.
“1,100 kilometers across the country were renovated, a highway was built on Corridor 10, in which we invested 579 million euros. Thus, Serbia was returned to the transport map of Europe. In Belgrade, we invested in the rehabilitation of the Gazelle Bridge, construction of access roads across the Sava. A part of the bypass around the capital has been completed, which will significantly reduce traffic congestion. We will also work on the construction of the Nis-Merdare highway, for which a loan of 100 million euros and a donation of 50 million have been provided,” Negre said.
They added that increasing the navigability of the most important rivers, the Sava and the Danube, is an important project because they are located on the Pan-European Corridor.
“The investment of 100 million euros, together with the EU donation of 14.1 million, will be used for the construction of a shipping company near Djerdap, meteorological stations and ports along these rivers, as well as hydrometeorological stations. The funds are also used to extract the remains of the sunken fleet from the Second “World War II, which emerges during the low water level of the Danube near Kladovo. Removing over 200 shipwrecks, war equipment and unexploded ordnance will significantly increase the passability of this section important for river traffic throughout Europe,” Negre said.
Asked what the EIB’s recommendations are for Serbia to have a better business environment, she said further reforms are necessary as a precondition for complete socio-economic progress.
“Withdrawal of money for new investments within the recently announced package of the European Commission for this region in the amount of nine billion euros will depend on the speed of their implementation. It is aid intended for the transition of the market to green, sustainable and digital economy. “A significant amount of funds will be directed to small and medium-sized enterprises, which are a pillar of employment and economic progress. Special support will be provided for innovative, technology companies and startups that can contribute to more efficient digitalization of the private and public sector,” she said.
She also pointed out that the EIB’s recommendation is to create a strategy for the implementation of renewable and safe energy sources, building a better digital infrastructure and supporting innovation.
“Further connecting the region through the construction of road, river and rail networks is also a priority, as well as improving health and sanitation infrastructure that will lead to better preparedness for future crises. Special investments will be made to develop rural areas and sustainable food sources,” Negre said.
All these initiatives, as she assessed, should lead to the creation of a transport, digital and energy connected market that would in the future join the production and distribution chains of the EU.
“It is expected that this will make the Western Balkans one of the more attractive areas for foreign and domestic investment, which together should result in a more competitive economy and improved and inclusive employment conditions in the region and a better standard of living for all living here,” said Dubravka Negre, Beta reports.

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