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The Serbian Ministry of Labor allocates funds for women’s economic empowerment projects

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The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Zoran Djordjevic, handed over the contracts to the associations that received funds from the public competition on the topic “Economic empowerment of women from the category of single-parent families”, the Ministry announced today.
Djordjevic said that this year, seven non-governmental organizations received contracts for obtaining funds and that he believes that they will use them in the best possible way and “give some new guidelines and ideas for further improvement of economic empowerment of women in society.”
He added that the Ministry of Finance was given a proposal to allocate even more funds for that purpose in the preparation of the budget plan for next year.
Djordjevic also warned that the control over the spending of the obtained funds will be performed, and that the associations, where it is determined that there were omissions, will have to return the money to the budget.
The organizations that received funds are the Association of Arts and Old Crafts and Home Crafts “Willy Embroidery”, the European Business Women’s Initiative “Eurozena”, the Center for Research of the Danube Region, the Association of Citizens “Center for Support of Women”, the Promotion of Healthy Living, the Association of Citizens Ecological Society “Bujanovac” and Association of Citizens “League 33”, Danas reports.

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