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There is a maximum period of six years to repay a cash loan in Serbia

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The deadline for repaying consumer and cash loans that banks will grant to citizens starting from January next year will be a maximum of six years, as provided by the regulations of the National Bank of Serbia from the end of 2018.
These deadlines, as confirmed to Tanjug in the central bank, will not change, regardless of the fact that in July this year, the NBS enabled citizens who have loans to extend the repayment deadlines by two years.
This was then done as a measure to help the population due to the pandemic.
They remind that in order to achieve the desired goal, without significant impact on the credit market, then a phased reduction of acceptable terms is prescribed: for loans approved during 2019 – eight years, during 2020 – seven years and loans approved starting from 1 January 2021 – six years.
The exception is consumer loans for the purchase of motor vehicles, for which there is no phased annual reduction of the repayment period, and from January 1, 2019, the acceptable maturity of these loans is up to eight years, Dnevnik reports.

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