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“Upcoming days important for Serbia’s EU integration”

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The decision Belgrade will make in the coming days will greatly affect Serbia’s EU integration, said U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Countryman. 

He stressed that the EU would soon make a decision on Serbia’s candidacy.

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Commenting on the situation in northern Kosovo, he denied Washington knew about or approved the operation of Kosovo police special forces, which tried to take control of the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings.

“We were not informed nor did we approve this approach,” Countryman told B92.

“The Kosovo government is capable of making both smart and rash moves by itself,” he added.

Countryman also pointed out EULEX and KFOR had a concrete mandate, which was not political.

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“One should not make enemies out of KFOR and EULEX, which have a concrete mandate, which is not political, and they do not want to take part in the political games of Belgrade and Priština. One should know who their partners and who their rivals are,” Countryman concluded.



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