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What does the amendment to the decree on the acquisition and disposal of items owned by the Republic of Serbia bring?

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The Government of Serbia has passed a Decree on determining equipment of higher value and determining cases and conditions under which movables from public property can be alienated by direct agreement, below the market price, ie without compensation.
The decree, signed by the Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on December 24, was passed on the basis of Article 27, paragraph 8 and Article 33, para. 4 and 6 of the Law on Public Property.
Equipment with a higher value, in the sense of Article 27, paragraph 2 of the Law on Public Property, is considered to be equipment whose individual value exceeds the amount of eight thousand euros, it is stated in Article 1 of the new regulation. In the previous decree, equipment of higher value was considered equipment whose individual value did not exceed the lower limit amount of low-value procurement determined by law, ie four thousand euros.
Article 2 of the new Regulation specifies that movables may be alienated from public property by direct agreement, if they are not alienated in the sale procedure through public announcement or collection of written offers in terms of Article 31a of the Law.
Exceptionally, which is a novelty in this Regulation, movables can be alienated by direct agreement and in the case when the procedure of public announcement or collection of written offers has not been carried out, and for the needs of humanitarian organizations, associations of citizens in health, culture, science, education, sports, social and child protection, environmental protection, fire protection, as well as religious communities.
Movable property for special purposes in the sense of Article 63 of the Law may be alienated by direct agreement in the manner determined in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Regulation.
In the case of alienation of movable property in the manner specified in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the new regulation, the purchase price of the property shall not be less than 60% of the initial estimated value determined in the procedure of public announcement or collection of written offers, it is specified in Article 3 of the Regulation.
Exceptions are movables, as well as movables for special purposes, which can be alienated below the market price, ie without compensation in order to establish good relations with other states, international and humanitarian organizations, religious communities and citizens’ associations from Article 2, paragraph 2 of this regulations.
According to the wording of the Decree, the decision on the alienation of movables owned by the Republic of Serbia by direct agreement, below the market price, ie free of charge, is made by the Government, which is a change from the previous decree according to which the official manages the body alienation of things by direct agreement.
The Decree shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette, and on the day of its entry into force the previous Decree on determining equipment of higher value and determining cases and conditions under which movables from public property may be alienated by direct agreement shall cease to be valid, Kamatica reports.

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Serbia Energy News