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What does the IMF object to the Electric Power Industry of Serbia?

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At the last session, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) rebuked the Serbian authorities for not adjusting the prices of electricity for small and medium enterprises, which is lower than the production one, in September, and for not increasing the amount of the fee for renewable energy sources, Blic writes today.
The paper also cited non-compliance with deadlines related to the procedures for the transformation of a company from a public company into a joint stock company as reasons for criticizing the IMF, primarily the part related to the delay in announcing tenders for property valuation.
At the third revision, it was agreed that after the analysis of the situation in EPS, the observed anomalies would be urgently corrected by June.
The analysis showed that the price of electricity production is higher than the sale price for households and small customers, but also that the fee of 0.093 dinars per kilowatt for renewable energy sources cannot cover the allocations for green energy, stated Blic.
As it is added, the analysis showed that EPS sells electricity to households and small customers at prices that are lower than the production ones by almost eight percent, by which they should have increased the price of kilowatts.
Citing a source from Nemanjina 11, Blic stated that the Serbian side explained that the consequences of the pandemic were visible in Serbia and that a significant number of families in Serbia were endangered because of them and that it would not be appropriate to make their situation even more difficult.
They also said that small customers, primarily entrepreneurs, had suffered significant damage from the pandemic and that it was estimated that increasing the price of electricity would make their business even more difficult.
For these reasons, the IMF representatives had understanding, but not for those who refer to giving up the increase in the fee for renewable energy sources, especially since the losses of EPS due to the purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources at subsidized prices are increasing, said a Blic source, RTV reports.

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