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Huawei becomes Serbia’s strategic partner in education

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Serbia and Huawei have signed an agreement on strategic partnership for development of information and communication infrastructure in educational institutions.

The agreement was signed in Beijing by the Serbian minister of Education, Science and Technological Development and a representative of Huawei, with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in attendance, the Serbian government announced.

“In the era of digitization, our cooperation means a lot for Serbia. Company Huawei has proved to be a relevant partner to the Serbian government and we hope that our successful cooperation will continue,” said Vucic.

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Huawei has around 180,000 employees and invests USD 11 billion into its development center. The development of e-administration is one of the priorities of the government and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government – “the most important part is improvement and linking of registers and e-services for citizens and companies,” the government said.

Huawei also presented the possibility of cooperation on establishing Government Cloud, which would unify in one place the infrastructure of data and communications for all state bodies and offer all kinds of applications that are necessary to state bodies for their functioning.

The company will also work on the development of the Safe and Smart City system in Serbia.

Vucic also attended the signing of memorandums of understanding and cooperation on the project Belgrade-South Adriatic – Preljina-Pozega and Pozega-Boljare highway sections, and on the project to build Novi Sad-Ruma expressway.

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A protocol on cooperation was signed by the City of Belgrade and China’s CBRC company develop a Sino-Serbian industrial park.

Vucic said he was satisfied with cooperation with CBRC so far.

“The construction of railroads, roads and bridges is ahead of us, and your companies proved to be a natural ally for the construction of road infrastructure. We are very satisfied with our cooperation. The construction of the Belgrade-Budapest railway, which Chinese President Xi Jinping also described as a priority for the One Belt, One Road initiative, will represent a new standard for citizens of our country,” he said.

He underlined that the Preljina-Pozega road section, which is 31 kilometers long, is equally important to the Serbian government.

“We hope we will soon sign the agreement for this part of Corridor 11 too,” Vucic concluded.

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