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Serb goods from Kosovo big success in central Serbia stores

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Products by Serb manufacturers from Kosovo have quickly sold out in stores in central Serbia, “and I expect the number of these products to increase soon.”

This has been announced by the state secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Branimir Stojanovic, who spoke for RTS on the occasion of the recent, for the first time organized placement of products from Kosovo and Metohija in central Serbia.

Stojanovic, who is the initiator of this, says retail chains will be consulted on which products can become best sellers, and based on that, production in Kosovo and Metohija will be planned.

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Novi Sad is the first town where consumers are able to buy wines and other produce from agricultural cooperatives in Kosovo and Metohija, and these are also available in Univerexport stores in Belgrade.

Wines from Velika Hoca, dried fruit from Zubin Potok and beer from Banjska are all now stocked in stores in central Serbia, while the plan is for other agricultural products to be added to the list, Stojanovic said, adding that he expects these to include cold-pressed fruit juices, and frozen dough.

He pointed out that the “state should not replace the market, but should help them (producers) have more favorable conditions.”

Stojanovic also explained that Metohija, a state-owned company, buys products from Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija) and distributes them via Univerexpor, adding that they will also be in talks with other retail chains.

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Stojanovic stressed that once the paperwork is done, “sometimes obstacles are encountered in Prishtina that are not rational, just like (Pristina’s) taxes on goods from central Serbia.”

“We will work together to overcome the obstacles that Pristina is creating, and get the products where their ultimate destination is – the central Serbia market,” said this government official.

Source; B92

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