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Serbian minister opens trading day on London Stock Exchange

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Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali on Wednesday opened the trading day on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Mali did this alongside LSE’s CEO Nikhil Rathi, with whom he afterwards discussed the potentials for investing in Serbia and possibilities for cooperation, Tanjug is reporting.

“The Republic of Serbia has been given a great honor by the London Stock Exchange as they made it possible for us to symbolically open today’s trading and then also to present the potentials for investing in Serbia to the global financial community,” said Mali, who is on a one-day visit to London.

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Mali said he had had a very good and constructive meeting with Rathi, the Serbian Ministry of Finance said in a statement.

“We discussed the economic policy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, its investment possibilities and ways to expand our investor base. We want them to invest even more in our securities and recognize Serbia’s potentials,” said Mali, who will also address a conference dedicated to Europe and Central Asia, hosted by the London Stock Exchange later in the day.

Mali will present Serbia’s economic policy to the London-based business community.

Source; B92

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