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Serbia has liquid gas storage facilities for about 50.000 cubic meters

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After NIS, Petrol LPG has the largest warehouse of this energy product.

Natural gas as a premium energy source, which has been transported through gas pipelines in recent years, has been “accompanied” by liquid petroleum gas. This environmentally and economically viable energy product is used equally by citizens and industry, but also by a large number of cars.

In Serbia, LPG’s storage capacity is approximately 50.000 cubic meters, which meets the needs of users up to 45 days. The most important place in this segment of the energy business is NIS, which owns almost half of its capacity, and the second is the Slovenian company Petrol LPG, which has the most modern warehouse in Smederevo. The companies “Eurogas” and “Mol” also have significant capacities, which intensively invests in this segment of the energy market in our country.

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– In a time of global instability and severe disruptions in the energy market, it is of utmost importance for the country’s energy security that all warehouses be functional and operational – Petrol LPG believes.  It is important for Serbia that even in difficult gas supply conditions there is an alternative to meet the demand at competitive prices. For Serbia to reap the benefits of its geographical position as an east-west country, it is essential to continue to improve rail infrastructure, water transport, and simplify regulations that would allow easier access to cheap and eco-friendly energy.

Petrol LPG points out that all market players, from line ministries, through agencies to companies, are responsible for ensuring the energy security of the country. Open communication, cooperation and coordination of activities are a guarantee that Serbia will be properly supplied in the times to come.

A special advantage of LPG is that it can be purchased today from both the east and the west for the needs of our market. It mainly comes to our country from Russia, but also the United States supplies the EU market, and indirectly Serbia as well, RTV reports.

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Serbia Energy News
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